Earth Day 2015

Earth Day 2015 is officially Wednesday, April 22nd.

We are happy to report that HV Shred in on a record recycling pace in 2015. To date, we have shred and recycled enough paper to protect nearly 5000 trees and nearly 900 cubic yards of landfill.

To celebrate Earth Month, our shred event season began April 10th and continues until the weather turns again in the Fall. This week’s events are at the Beacon HVFCU 2pm-5pm; Saturday as part of the Monroe Clean Sweep; and Gardiner as part of their town clean-up day.

This week, please give extra consideration to all the things you can do to help reduce, reuse, and recycle the precious resources of our Earth.

For more on recycling and especially identity theft best practices, please visit

by HV Shred